List of Publications

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Sebastiaan Krijt, Sota Arakawa, Mark Oosterloo, Hidekazu Tanaka (2024) "A closer look at individual collisions of dust aggregates: Material mixing and exchange on microscopic scales" MNRAS 539, 2125-2133.

Misako Tatsuuma, Akimasa Kataoka, Hidekazu Tanaka, Tristan Guillot (2024) "The Bulk Densities of Small Solar System Bodies as a Probe of Planetesimal Formation" Astrophys. J. 976:9(12pp)

Sota Arakawa, Hidekazu Tanaka, Eiichiro Kokubo, Satoshi Okuzumi, Misako Tatsuuma, Daisuke Nishiura, Mikito Furuichi (2024) "On the elastoplastic behavior in collisional compression of spherical dust aggregates" Granular Matter 26:92(18pp)

Yuki Yoshida, Eiichiro Kokubo, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2024) "Molecular dynamics simulations of head-on low-velocity collisions between particles" Physical Review E 110, 015001(16pp)

Hidekazu Tanaka, Kohei Okada (2024) "Three-dimensional Interaction between a Planet and an Isothermal Gaseous Disk. III. Locally Isothermal Cases" Astrophys. J. 968:28(13pp)

Sota Arakawa, Misako Tatsuuma, Hidekazu Tanaka, Mikito Furuich, Daisuke Nishiura (2024) "Interparticle normal force in highly porous granular matter during compression" Physical Review E 109, 024904(8pp)


Ryosuke T. Tominaga, Hidekazu Tanaka (2023) "Rapid dust growth during hydrodynamic clumping due to streaming instability" Astrophys. J. 958:168(10pp)

Satoshi Ohashi, Munetake Momose, Akimasa Kataoka, Aya E. Higuchi, Takashi Tsukagoshi, Takahiro Ueda, Claudio Codella, Linda Podio, Tomoyuki Hanawa, Nami Sakai, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Satoshi Okuzumi, Hidekazu Tanaka (2023) "Dust enrichment and grain growth in a smooth disk around the DG Tau protostar revealed by ALMA triple bands frequency observations" Astrophys. J. 954:110(23pp)

Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hidekazu Tanaka (2023) "Rapid Formation of Gas-giant Planets via Collisional Coagulation from Dust Grains to Planetary Cores. II. Dependence on Pebble Bulk Density and Disk Temperature" Astrophys. J. 954:158(7pp)

Misako Tatsuuma, Akimasa Kataoka, Satoshi Okuzumi, Hidekazu Tanaka (2023) "Formulating Compressive Strength of Dust Aggregates from Low to High Volume Filling Factors with Numerical Simulations" Astrophys. J. 953:6(11pp)

Sijme-Jan Paardekooper, Ruobing Dong, Paul Duffell, Jeffrey Fung, Frederic S. Masset, Gordon Ogilvie, Hidekazu Tanaka (2023) "Planet-Disk Interactions and Orbital Evolution" Protostars and Planets VII (eds. S. Inutsuka, Y. Aikawa, T. Muto, K. Tomida, M. Tamura), ASP Conference Series 534, 685-715

Sota Arakawa, Daiki Yamamoto, Takayuki Ushikubo, Hiroaki Kaneko, Hidekazu Tanaka, Shigenobu Hirose, Taishi Nakamoto (2023) "Oxygen isotope exchange between molten silicate spherules and ambient water vapor with nonzero relative velocity: Implication for chondrule formation environment" Icarus 405, 115690(14pp)

Sota Arakawa, Satoshi Okuzumi, Misako Tatsuuma, Hidekazu Tanaka, Eiichiro Kokubo, Daisuke Nishiura, Mikito Furuichi, Taishi Nakamoto (2023) "Size Dependence of the Bouncing Barrier in Protoplanetary Dust Growth" Astrophys. J. Lett. 951:L16(7pp)

Hidekazu Tanaka, Ryoichi Anayama, Ryo Tazaki (2023) "Compression of Dust Aggregates via Sequential Collisions with High Mass Ratios" Astrophys. J. 945:68(12pp)

Sota Arakawa, Hidekazu Tanaka, Eiichiro Kokubo, Daisuke Nishiura, Mikito Furuichi (2023) "Threshold velocity for collisional growth of porous dust aggregates consisting of cohesive frictionless spheres" Astron. & Astropys. 670, L21 (10pp)

Yukihiko Hasegawa, Takeru K. Suzuki, Hidekazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Koji Wada (2023) "Collisional Growth and Fragmentation of Dust Aggregates. II. Mass Distribution of Icy Fragments" Astrophys. J. 944:38 (26pp)


Ryosuke T. Tominaga, Hidekazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Shu-ichiro Inutsuka (2022) "Nonlinear Outcome of Coagulation Instability in Protoplanetary Disks II: Dust Ring Formation Mediated by Backreaction and Fragmentation" Astrophys. J. 940:152 (17pp)

Sota Arakawa, Hidekazu Tanaka, Eiichiro Kokubo (2022) "Collisional growth efficiency of dust aggregates and its independence of the strength of interparticle rolling friction" Astrophys. J. 939:100 (10pp)

Sota Arakawa, Hidekazu Tanaka, Eiichiro Kokubo (2022) "Impacts of Viscous Dissipation on Collisional Growth and Fragmentation of Dust Aggregates" Astrophys. J. 933:144(13pp)

Hiromichi Tagawa, Shigeo S. Kimura, Zoltán Haiman, Rosalba Perna, Hidekazu Tanaka, Imre Bartos (2022) "Can Stellar-mass Black Hole Growth Disrupt Disks of Active Galactic Nuclei? The Role of Mechanical Feedback" Astrophys. J. 927:41(16pp)

Yuki A. Tanaka, Kazuhiro D. Kanagawa, Hidekazu Tanaka, Takayuki Tanigawa (2022) "Eccentric gap induced by a super-Jupiter mass planet" Astrophys. J. 925:95(17pp)


Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hidekazu Tanaka (2021) "Rapid formation of Gas Giant Planets via Collisional Coagulation from Dust Grains to Planetary Cores" Astrophys. J. 922:16 (11pp)

Kazuhiro D. Kanagawa, Takayuki Muto, Hidekazu Tanaka (2021) "Dust rings as a footprint of planet formation in a protoplanetary disk" Astrophys. J. 921:169 (19pp)

Yukihiko Hasegawa, Takeru, K. Suzuki, Hidekazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Koji Wada (2021) "Collisional Growth and Fragmentation of Dust Aggregates with Low Mass Ratios. I: Critical Collision Velocity for Water Ice" Astrophys. J. 915, 22(18pp)

Satoshi Ohashi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Riouhei Nakatani, Satoshi Okuzumi, Hidekazu Tanaka, Koji Murakawa, Yichen Zhang, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Nami Sakai (2021) "Ring formation by coagulation of dust aggregates in early phase of disk evolution around a protostar" Astrophys. J. 907, 80(12pp)


Kazuhiro D. Kanagawa and Hidekazu Tanaka (2020) "Comments on "Type II migration strikes back – An old paradigm for planet migration in discs" by Scardoni et al." MNRAS 494, 3449-3452

Hidekazu Tanaka, Kiyoka Murase, Takayuki Tanigawa (2020) "Final Masses of Giant Planets III: Effect of Photoevapolation and a New Planetary Migration Model" Astrophys. J. 891, 143(11pp)


Ryo Tazaki, Hidekazu Tanaka, Akimasa Kataoka, Satoshi Okuzumi, Takayuki Muto (2019) "Unveiling Dust Aggregate Structure in Protoplanetary Disks by Millimeter-wave Scattering Polarization" Astrophys. J. 885, 52(13pp)

Ryo Tazaki, Hidekazu Tanaka, Takayuki Muto, Akimasa Kataoka, Satoshi Okuzumi (2019) "Effect of dust size and structure on scattered-light images of protoplanetary disks" MNRAS 485, 4951-4966

Misako Tatsuuma, Akimasa Kataoka, Hidekazu Tanaka (2019) "Tensile Strength of Porous Dust Aggregates" Astrophys. J. 874, 159(10pp)

M. Nagasawa, K. K. Tanaka, H. Tanaka, H. Nomura, T. Nakamoto, H. Miura (2019) "Shock-Generating Planetesimals Perturbed by a Giant Planet in Gas Disk" Astrophys. J. 871, 110(15pp)


Shigeru Ida, Hidekazu Tanaka, Anders Johansen, Kazuhiro Kanagawa, Takayuki Tanigawa (2018) "Slowing Down Type II Migration of Gas Giants to Match Observational Data" Astrophys. J. 864, 77(10pp)

Hiroshi Kobayashi and Hidekazu Tanaka (2018) "From planetesimals to planets in turbulent disks. II. Formation of gas giant planets" Astrophys. J. 862, 127(12pp)

Ryo Suetsugu, Hidekazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hidenori Genda (2018) "Collisional Disruption of Planetesimals in the Gravity Regime with iSALE Code: Comparison with SPH code for Purely Hydrodynamic Bodies" Icarus 314, 121-132

Kazuhiro D. Kanagawa, Hidekazu Tanaka, Ewa Szuszkiewicz (2018) "Radial migration of gap-opening planets in protoplanetary disks. I. The case of a single planet" Astrophys. J. 861, 140(12pp)

Ryo Tazaki and Hidekazu Tanaka (2018) "Light scattering by fractal dust aggregates. II. Opacity and asymmetry parameter" Astrophys. J. 860, 79(17pp)


Sota Arakawa, Hidekazu Tanaka, Akimasa Kataoka, and Taishi Nakamoto (2017) "Thermal conductivity of porous aggregates" Astron. & Astrophys. 608, L7(4pp)

Kyoko K. Tanaka, Jürg Diemand, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Raymond Angélil (2017) "Analyzing Multistep Homogeneous Nucleation in Vapor-to-solid Transition Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations" Physical Review E 96, 022804(9pp)

Hitoshi Miura, Tetsuo Yamamoto, Hideko Nomura, Taishi Nakamoto, Kyoko K. Tanaka, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Makiko Nagasawa (2017) "Comprehensive study of thermal desorption of grain-surface species by accretion shocks around protostars" Astrophys. J. 839, 47(16pp)

Hidenori Genda, Tomoaki Fujita, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hidekazu Tanaka, Ryo Suetsugu, Yutaka Abe (2017) "Impact Erosion Model for Gravity-Dominated Planetesimals" Icarus 294, 234-246

K.D. Kanagawa, H. Tanaka, T. Muto, and T. Tanigawa (2017) "Modeling of Deep Gaps Created by Giant Planets in Protoplanetary Discs" PASJ 69, 97(18pp)

L. Piani, S. Tachibana, T. Hama, H. Tanaka, Y. Endo, I. Sugawara, L. Dessimoulie, Y. Kimura, A. Miyake, J. Matsuno, A. Tsuchiyama, K. Fujita, S. Nakatsubo, H. Fukushi, S. Mori, T. Chigai, H. Yurimoto and A. Kouchi (2017) "Evolution of morphological and physical properties of laboratory interstellar organic residues with ultraviolet irradiation" Astrophys. J. 837, 35(11pp)


Kyoko K. Tanaka, Hidekazu Tanaka, Raymond Angélil, and Jürg Diemand (2016) "Reply to "Comment on 'Simple improvements to classical bubble nucleation models'"" Physical Review E 94, 026802(4pp)

K.D. Kanagawa, T. Muto, H. Tanaka, T. Tanigawa, T. Takeuchi, T. Tsukagoshi, and M. Momose (2016) "Mass constraints for a planet in a protoplanetary disk from the gap width" PASJ 68, 43(7pp)

Ryo Tazaki, Hidekazu Tanaka, Satoshi Okuzumi, Akimasa Kataoka, and Hideko Nomura (2016) "Light scattering by fractal dust aggregates: I. Angular dependence of scattering" Astrophys. J. 823, 70(16pp)

Takayuki Tanigawa and Hidekazu Tanaka (2016) "Final Masses of Giant Planets. II. Jupiter Formation in a Gas-Depleted Disk" Astrophys. J. 823, 48(14pp)

Satoshi Okuzumi, Munetake Momose, Sin-iti Sirono, Hiroshi Kobayashi, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2016) "Sintering-induced Dust Ring Formation in Protoplanetary Disks: Application to the HL Tau Disk" Astrophys. J. 821, 82(24pp)

Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Satoshi Okuzumi (2016) "From Planetesimals to Planets in Turbulent Protoplanetary Disks I. Onset of Runaway Growth" Astrophys. J. 817, 105(10pp)


Hidenori Genda, Tomoaki Fujita, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hidekazu Tanaka, Yutaka Abe (2015) "Resolution Dependence of Disruptive Collisions between Planetesimals in the Gravity Regime" Icarus 262, 58-66.

Raymond Angélil, Jürg Diemand, Kyoko K. Tanaka, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2015) "Homogeneous SPC/E water nucleation in large molecular dynamics simulations" Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 064507:10pp.

Kyoko K. Tanaka, Hidekazu Tanaka, Raymond Angélil, and Jürg Diemand (2015) "Simple Improvements to Classical Bubble Nucleation Models" Physical Review E 92, 022401:9pp.

M. Momose, H. Tanaka(11th author), and 51 authors (2015) "Detailed structure of the outer disk around HD 169142 with polarized light in H-band" Publ. Astron. Soc. Jpn. 67, 83:16pp.

K.D. Kanagawa, T. Muto, H. Tanaka, T. Tanigawa, T. Takeuchi, T. Tsukagoshi, and M. Momose (2015) "Mass Estimates of a Giant Planet in a Protoplanetary Disk from the Gap Structures" Astrophysical Journal Letters 806, L15.

K.D. Kanagawa, H. Tanaka, T. Muto, T. Tanigawa and T. Takeuchi (2015) "Formation of a disc gap induced by a planet: Effect of the deviation from Keplerian disc rotation" Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 448, 994-1006.

田中秀和 (2015) "粒子衝突過程を分子動力学計算で観る" 分子シミュレーション学会誌 アンサンブル 17, 14-19.


Raymond Angélil, Jürg Diemand, Kyoko K. Tanaka, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2014) "Bubble Evolution and Properties in Homogeneous Nucleation Simulations" Phys. Rev. E 90, 063301:13pp

Jürg Diemand, Raymond Angélil, Kyoko K. Tanaka, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2014) "Direct Simulations of Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation: Agreement with CNT and no Local Hot Spots" Phys. Rev. E 90, 052407:14pp

M. Nagasawa, K. K. Tanaka, H. Tanaka, T. Nakamoto, H. Miura, and T. Yamamoto (2014) "Revisiting Jovian-Resonance Induced Chondrule Formation" ApJL 794, L7:5pp.

Anders Johansen, Jürgen Blum, Hidekazu Tanaka, Chris Ormel, Martin Bizzarro, and Hans Rickman (2014) "The Multifaceted Planetesimal Formation Process" in Protostars and Planets VI (eds. H. Beuther, R. Klessen, C. Dullemond, Th. Henning), University of Arizona Press, Page 547-570.

Akimasa Kataoka, Satoshi Okuzumi, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Hideko Nomura (2014) "Opacity of fluffy dust aggregates" Astron. & Astropys. 568, A42(15pp)

Kyoko K. Tanaka, Jürg Diemand, Raymond Angélil, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2014) "Free energy of cluster formation and a new scaling relation for the nucleation rate" Journal of Chemical Physics 140, 194310(7pp)

Kyoko K. Tanaka, Akio Kawano, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2014) "Molecular dynamics simulations of the nucleation of water: determining the sticking probability and formation energy of a cluster" Journal of Chemical Physics 140, 114302(11pp)

Raymond Angélil, Jürg Diemand, Kyoko K. Tanaka, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2014) "Properties of Liquid Clusters in Large-scale MD Nucleation Simulations" Journal of Chemical Physics 140, 074303(16pp)


Koji Wada, Hidekazu Tanaka, Satoshi Okuzumi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Toru Suyama, Hiroshi Kimura, and Tetsuo Yamamoto (2013) "Growth efficiency of dust aggregates through collisions with large mass-ratios" Astron. & Astropys. 559, A62(8pp)

Akimasa Kataoka, Hidekazu Tanaka, Satoshi Okuzumi, and Koji Wada (2013) "Fluffy dust forms icy planetesimals by static compression" Astron. & Astropys. 557, L4(4pp)

Jürg Diemand, Raymond Angélil, Kyoko K. Tanaka, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2013) "Large Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Homogeneous Nucleation" Journal of Chemical Physics 139, 074309(14pp)

Akimasa Kataoka, Hidekazu Tanaka, Satoshi Okuzumi, and Koji Wada (2013) "Static compression of porous dust aggregates" Astron. & Astropys. 554, A4(12pp)

Kyoko K. Tanaka, Tetsuo Yamamoto, Hidekazu Tanaka, Hitoshi Miura, Makiko Nagasawa, and Taishi Nakamoto (2013) "Evaporation of Icy Planetesimals due to Planetesimal Bow Shocks" Astrophys. J. 764, 120(11pp)


C.W. Ormel, S. Ida, and H. Tanaka (2012) "Migration Rates of Planets Due to Scattering of Planetesimals" Astrophys. J. 758, 80(17pp)

Hidekazu Tanaka, Koji Wada, Toru Suyama, and Satoshi Okuzumi (2012) "Growth of Cosmic Dust Aggregates and Reexamination of Particle Interaction Models" Prog. of Theor. Phys. Suppl. 195, 101-113.

Toru Suyama, Koji Wada, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Satoshi Okuzumi (2012) "Geometric Cross Sections of Dust Aggregates and a Compression Model for Aggregate Collisions" Astrophys. J. 753, 115(10pp).

Satoshi Okuzumi, Hidekazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Kobayashi, and Koji Wada (2012) "Rapid Coagulation of Porous Dust Aggregates outside the Snow Line: a Pathway to Successful Icy Planetesimal Formation" Astrophys. J. 752, 106(18pp).


Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Alexander V. Krivov (2011) "Planetary Core Formation with Collisional Fragmentation and Atmosphere to Form Gas Giant Planets" Astrophysical J. 738, 35(11pp).

Koji Wada, Hidekazu Tanaka, Toru Suyama, Hiroshi Kimura, and Tetsuo Yamamoto (2011) “The Rebound Condition of Dust Aggregates Revealed by Numerical Simulation on Their Collisions" Astrophysical J. 737, 36(12pp).

Kyoko K. Tanaka, Hidekazu Tanaka, Tetsuo Yamamoto, and Katsuyuki Kawamura (2011) “Molecular dynamics simulations of nucleation from vapor to solid composed of Lennard-Jones molecules" Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 204313(13pp).

Kyoko K. Tanaka, Hidekazu Tanaka, Tetsuo Yamamoto, and Katsuyuki Kawamura (2011) "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nucleation from Vapor with Lennard-Jones Type and H2O Molecules" Physics and Chemistry of Ice, 12, 307-312.

Satoshi Okuzumi, Hidekazu Tanaka, Taku Takeuchi, and Masa-aki Sakagami(2011) “Electrostatic Barrier against Dust Growth in Protoplanetary Disks. II. Measuring of the Size of the “Frozen" Zone" Astrophysical J. 731, 96(16pp).

Satoshi Okuzumi, Hidekazu Tanaka, Taku Takeuchi, and Masa-aki Sakagami(2011) “Electrostatic Barrier against Dust Growth in Protoplanetary Disks. I. Classifying the Evolution of Size Distribution" Astrophysical J. 731, 95(20pp).


Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hidekazu Tanaka, Alexander V. Krivov, and Satoshi Inaba (2010) “Planetary Growth with Collisional Fragmentation and Gas Drag” Icarus 209, 836-847.

Hiroshi Kobayashi and Hidekazu Tanaka (2010) “Fragmentation Model Dependence of Collision Cascades” Icarus 206, 735-746.

Koji Wada, Hidekazu Tanaka, Toru Suyama, Hiroshi Kimura, and Tetsuo Yamamoto (2009) “Collisional Growth Conditions for Dust Aggregates” Astrophysical J. 702, 1490-1501.

Satoshi Okuzumi, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Masa-aki Sakagami (2009) “Numerical Modeling of the Coagulation and Porosity Evolution of Dust Aggregates” Astrophysical J. 707, 1247-1263.

Toru Suyama, Koji Wada, and Hidekazu Tanaka(2008) “Numerical Simulation on Density Evolution of Dust Aggregates in Protoplanetary Disks: I. Head-on Collisions ” Astrophysical J. 684, 1310-1322.

Koji Wada, Hidekazu Tanaka, Toru Suyama, Hiroshi Kimura, and Tetsuo Yamamoto (2008) “Numerical Simulation of Dust Aggregate Collisions: II. Compression and Disruption of Three-Dimensional Aggregates in Head-on Collisions ” Astrophysical J. 677,1296-1308.

陶山徹, 和田浩二, 田中秀和(2008) "合体成長過程におけるダスト圧縮過程の数値計算とその定式化" 日本惑星科学会誌遊星人, 17, 177-184.

Koji Wada, Hidekazu Tanaka, Toru Suyama, Hiroshi Kimura, and Tetsuo Yamamoto (2007) “Numerical Simulation of Dust Aggregate Collisions: I. Compression and Disruption of 2D Aggregates ” Astrophysical J. 661, 320-333.

Junko K. Daisaka, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Shigeru Ida (2006) “Orbital Evolution and Accretion of Protoplanets Tidally Interacting with a Gas Disk: II. Solid surface density evolution with type-I migration ” Icarus 185, 492-507.


Junko Kominami, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Shigeru Ida (2005) “Orbital Evolution and Accretion of Protoplanets Tidally Interacting with a Gas Disk: I. Effects of Interaction with Planetesimals and Other Protoplanets” Icarus 178, 540-552.

Hiroshi Kobayashi, Shigeru Ida, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2005) “The Evidence of an Early Stellar Encounter in Edgeworth Kuiper Belt” Icarus 177, 246-255.

Hidekazu Tanaka, Youhei Himeno, and Shigeru Ida (2005) “Dust Growth and Settling in Protoplanetary Disks and Disk Spectral Energy Distributions: I. Laminar Disks” ApJ 625, 414-426.

Kyoko K. Tanaka, Katsuyuki Kawamura, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Kiyoshi Nakazawa (2005) “Tests of the Homogeneous Nucleation Theory with Molecular Dynamics Simulations: I. Lennard-Jones molecules” Journal of Chemical Physics 122, 184514.

Kou Yamada, Hidekazu Tanaka, Kiyoshi Nakazawa, and Hiroyuki Emori (2005) “A New Theory of Bubble Formation in Magma” JGR(Solid Earth) 110, B02203.

小南淳子 , 井田茂 , 田中秀和 (2005) "Type I 惑星移動と原始惑星形成 " 日本惑星科学会誌遊星人 , 14, 134-141.

Hidekazu Tanaka and William R. Ward (2004) "Three-Dimensional Interaction between a Planet and an Isothermal Gaseous Disk II. Eccentricity Waves and Bending Waves" ApJ 602, 388-395.

Kei Morohoshi and Hidekazu Tanaka (2003) "Gravitational interaction between a planet and an optically thin disc" MNRAS 346, 915-923.

Keiji Ohtsuki and Hidekazu Tanaka (2003) "Radial Diffusion Rate of Planetesimals Due to Gravitational Encounters" Icarus 162, 47-58.

Hidekazu Tanaka, Keiji Ohtsuki, and Hiroshi Daisaka (2003) "A New Formulation of the Viscosity in Planetary Rings" Icarus 161, 144-156.

Kyoko Tanaka, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Kiyoshi Nakazawa (2002) "Non-equilibrium Condensation in a Primordial Solar Nebula: Formation of Refractory Metal Nuggets" Icarus 160, 197-207.

Makiko Nagasawa, Shigeru Ida, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2002) "Excitation of Orbital Inclinations of Asteroids during Depletion of a Protoplanetary Disk: Dependence on the Disk Configuration" Icarus 159, 322-327.

Kazunori Iwasaki, Kiyoshi Nakazawa, Hiroyuki Emori, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2002) "Orbital Stability of a Protoplanet System under the Drag Force Proportional to the Random Velocity" PASJ 54, 471-479.

Hidekazu Tanaka, Taku Takeuchi, and William R. Ward (2002) "Three-Dimensional Interaction between a Planet and an Isothermal Gaseous Disk I. Corotation and Lindblad Resonances and Planet Migration" ApJ 565, 1257-1274.

Hiroshi Daisaka, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Shigeru Ida (2001) "Viscosity in a Dense Planetary Ring with Self-Gravitating Particles" Icarus 154, 296-312.

Makiko Nagasawa, Shigeru Ida, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2001) "Origin of high orbital eccentricity and inclination of asteroids" Earth Planets Space, 53, 1085-1091.

Kazunori Iwasaki, Hidekazu Tanaka, Kiyoshi Nakazawa and Hiroyuki Emori (2001) "The Gas Drag Effect on the Orbital Instability of the Protoplanet System" PASJ 53, 321-329.

Satoshi Inaba, Hidekazu Tanaka, Kiyoshi Nakazawa, G. W. Wetherill, and Eiichiro Kokubo (2001) "High-Accuracy Statistical Simulation of Planetary Accretion: II. Comparison with N-body Simulation" Icarus 149, 235-250.


Shigeru Ida, Geoffrey Bryden, D.N.C. Lin, and Hidekazu Tanaka (2000) "Orbital Migration of Neptune and Orbital Distribution of Trans-Neptunian Objects" ApJ. 534, 428-445.

Makiko Nagasawa, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Shigeru Ida (2000) "Orbital Evolution of Asteroids during Depletion of the Solar Nebula" Astronomical J. 119, 1480-1497.

Hidekazu Tanaka and Shigeru Ida (1999) "Growth of a Migrating Protoplanet" Icarus, 139, 350-366.

Hidekazu Tanaka and Shigeru Ida (1999) "Growth Rate of a Migrating Protoplanet" Physics and Chemistry of the Earth C, 24, 547-552.

Satoshi Inaba, Hidekazu Tanaka, Keiji Ohtsuki, and Kiyoshi Nakazawa (1999) "High Accuracy Statistical Simulations of Planetary Accretion: I. Test of the Accuracay by the Comparison with the Stochastic Coagulation Equation" Earth, Planets, and Space 51, 205-217.

Kyoko K. Tanaka, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Kiyoshi Nakazawa (1999) "Grain Formation in the Ejecta of a Supernova: the Nucleation Rate of Grains Heated by Radiation" Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, C 24, 579-582.

Ken'ichi Miyoshi, Taku Takeuchi, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Shigeru Ida (1999) "Gravitational Interaction between a Protoplanet and a Protoplanetary Disk: I. Local Three-Dimensional Simulations", Astrophys. J., 516, 451-464.

Kyoko K. Tanaka, Hidekazu Tanaka, Kiyoshi Nakazawa, and Yoshitsugu Nakagawa (1998) "Shock Heating due to Accretion of a Clumpy Cloud onto a Protoplanetary Disk" Icarus, 134, 137-154.

Hidekazu Tanaka and Shigeru Ida (1997) "Distribution of Planetesimals around a Protoplanet in the Nebula gas: II. Numerical Simulations", Icarus, 125, 302-316.

田中秀和(1997) "周地球円盤内における月集積過程" 日本惑星科学会誌遊星人, 6, 196-204.

Hidekazu Tanaka, Satoshi Inaba, and Kiyoshi Nakazawa (1996) "Steady-State Size Distribution for the Self-Similar Collision Cascade" Icarus, 123, 450-455.

Hidekazu Tanaka and Shigeru Ida (1996) "Distribution of Planetesimals around a Protoplanet in the Nebula gas: I. The semi-analytic calculation of the gravitational scattering by a protoplanet" Icarus, 120, 371-387.

Hidekazu Tanaka and Kiyoshi Nakazawa (1994) "Validity of the Statistical Coagulation Equation and Runaway Growth of Protoplanets" Icarus, 107, 404-412.

Hidekazu Tanaka and Kiyoshi Nakazawa (1993) "Stochastic Coagulation Equation and Validity of the Statistical Coagulation Equation" J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 45, 361-381.

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